
Hands Rejuvenation. 

You can turn back the hands of time!NST-Hand-Rejuvenation-before1-2ydubwdq62iezh8u595gjk

At Revitta we have designed a protocol using minimally invasive techniques to tighten crepe-like skin, to reduce the appearance of age spots and to camouflage  prominent torturous veins on the back of the hands.

Considering a treatment and are interested in learning more about hands rejuvenation in Manhattan , NY? Please, schedule a free consultation by calling us at Revitta: 212-535-1201 or click here to contact us


Sciton BBL (Sciton Broad Band Light) PhotoRejuvenation or Skin Rejuvenation is a well-tolerated treatment. It requires little to no downtime. Result – luminous, younger looking skin. BBL (Broad Band Light) innovative technology sets new standards for the treatment of skin conditions associated with aging, active life-styles and sun damage. Sciton BBL energy allows your skin care provider to precisely treat fine wrinkles, age & sun spots, small facial veins and other skin problems. Your treatment will be tailored to match your skin condition. BBL technology utilizes the power of pulsed light to deliver superior aesthetic results. By selecting the appropriate wavelength of light, we are able to treat a broad range of skin conditions caused by skin aging and sun exposure.

The light energy delivered by the BBL will gently heat up the upper layers of your skin. The heat is absorbed by the targeted areas.  Absorbed heat shrinks or destroys skin imperfections treated. It also stimulates your skin cells to generate a new collagen

Sciton BBL (Photofacial New York) will help to restore your skin to its natural beauty. It makes it smoother, more vibrant and younger looking. It is well-documented that Sciton Broad Band Light (BBL) is effective in skin rejuvenation. It also combats skin aging and prevents skin diseases. The most common areas are those most exposed to the damaging effects of sun light. The most popular treatments are for the face, neck, back of the hands, chest and shoulders. This treatment is ideal for patients with active lifestyles because the procedure requires no downtime and has a low risk of side effects.


Call Revitta to schedule your free Hands Rejuvenation consultation or for more information: 212-535-1201 / 718-743-5616 or click here to contact us